1.2 IRC Terms You Might Encounter
#amiga IRC Channel on Efnet and Undernet for users interested in the Amiga family of Computers. Action CTCP Action command, executed by a /me at the beginning of a message. ARCnet Amiga Relay Chat Network. Served by several Amigas running CLChatServer, forming a small network used by those interested in the Amiga Family of Computers. Ban A channel mode set in order to prevent a user or group of users from joining a channel. Bot Short for Robot, a Bot is a script that acts like a user, and can execute a command upon a certain occurance. Client Software that is written for the purpose of connecting to a server, in this case, an IRC server. Channel A group of users on IRC. A channel will have a name (i/e, #amiga), and may or may not have a topic of conversation. Channel Mode The properties of a channel that allow or disallow certain activities. Channel Modes can only be changed or set by Channel Operators. Channel Operator (aka, Op) A user who has control over a channel. A user who creates a channel is given Op status, and in turn can give it to anyone else in the channel. Command A message to an IRC server or to a local or remote client. Commands generally begin with a /. See Commands. CTCP Client To Client Protocol, A standard for sending commands from one client to another, usually for the purpose of getting information from the remote client. See CTCP. DCC Direct Client Connection - a standard for creating a direct link between two clients, for the purpose of sending or receiving files, or to carry a more secure conversation. See DCC. Efnet (Eris Free), the largest and "main" IRC network, with an average of about 5000 users on any given day. Identd Identd Is software that can be run on the client, allowing an IRC server to corroberate the identity of a client. AmIRC has an Identd built in, and will automatically disable it if an external Identd is running. IRC Internet Relay Chat - Any Network of Computers that run IRC servers for the purpose of allowing users to connect to it using client software made for IRC. Kick The occurance of a user being removed from a joined channel by a channel operator. MOTD Message Of The Day, A message that may or may not be updated daily, that is meant to be read when connecting to an IRC server. Netsplit An event that occurs when a server goes down that other servers depend on for network packets. Any servers that are dependant on the crashed server will split from the net, that is, they will still be up and running, with active clients, but any clients on the other side of the crashed unit will appear to have all logged off at once. Nick Short for Nickname, this is an alias that you may pick for yourself. Op See Channel Operator. Server A computer that is Running IRC server software, allowing it to be connected to by IRC clients or other servers. Server Operator A person in control of an IRC server. TLA (Three Letter abreiviations) commonly used acronyms, not entirely restricted to 3 letters. AFAIK As Far As I Know AFK Away From Keyboard BRB (I'll) Be Right Back BBL (I'll) Be Back Later IMHO In My Humble|Honest Opinion LOL Laughs Out Loud MOTD Message Of The Day ROTFL Rolls On The Floor Laughing RTFM Read The F***ing Manual Topic A heading for a channel that may or may not have anything to do with the conversation at hand. Undernet The second largest IRC network, considered an 'Alternative' to EFnet. User a person using an IRC Client to connect to a server to chat. User Mode Settings that affect a users properties. Invisible If this mode is set, a user will be invisible in the global user list. The user will still be visible in the user list of any joined channel, however. Wallops When set, this mode will allow receiving of messages from the server operator to all operators. Userhost This is the string that defines a user. It consists of the user's chosen nick, login name and domain name. For example: Wupper!jwupper@monorail.wupper.de | | | | |_ Domain | | | |________ Network | | |_________________ Machine | |_________________________ Login |________________________________ Nick Voice Status a normal (not an operator) user must have to type into a moderated channel.
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